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 Saving your Money & Your Sanity

One Tidbit at a Time

Get Your Tush Movin'

Helpful ways to get more out of your exercise regime. Links to training websites, map your route, and figure out calories burned.


Computer How To's

Tips on how to save money when shopping on the internet and other ways to make your computer more useful.


Help Me Save My Ben Franklins?  

Interesting ways to help save your money. Links to coupon printing websites to help you save even more.


It's Not Easy Being Green!

Easy ways to recycle and help the environment while saving money.


Kidz Corner 

Cool, interesting, and educational websites kids will love to visit.


Quick & Easy Tidbitz 

Unique ways to help solve common cleaning, cooking, food, health & beauty, and household problem.


What Should I Read Next?

Suggestions on some great reads and direct access to order them.


What Should I Make for Dinner?

Ways to use those left overs and other fun recipes.


Who Am I?

Get to know who's working on this website.